When Do Cavalier King Charles Spaniels Get Their Full Coat?

Ever wondered when Cavalier King Charles Spaniels get their full coat? In this blog post, we’ll navigate the metamorphosis from pup fuzz to regal fluff.

In addition, I’ll also share my tips on how to keep your Cavalier’s coat healthy and luxurious. Yes, gleaned from years of being a proud Cavalier owner myself! 

Ready to turn your canine companion into the envy of every dog park? Let’s dive right in!

Understanding the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Coat

Types of Coat: Cavaliers are known for their medium-length combination coat, which consists of a soft undercoat beneath a silky overcoat. The coat’s texture is smooth, enhancing the breed’s overall elegant appearance.

Colors: Coat colors of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels come in four different variations, all of which could potentially appear within a single litter of puppies.

  • Blenheim
  • Tricolor
  • Ruby
  • Black and Tan

Feathering: The breed has characteristic feathering on the ears, chest, legs, and tail. Feathering in Cavaliers refers to the longer hair that ‘flows’ a bit more than the rest of the coat. 

Maintenance: The luxurious appearance of a Cavalier’s coat demands upkeep. They require regular brushing to prevent tangles and matting, especially in the feathered areas. 

Bathing: Cavaliers don’t need frequent baths – every four to six weeks or when they get particularly dirty is typically sufficient. Over-bathing can strip the coat of its natural oils and lead to dry skin.

When Do Cavalier King Charles Spaniels Get Their Full Coat?

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels get their full coat between 1-2 years of age. The exact timing can vary among individual pups, but Cavaliers reach full maturity at 2 years old when you can be sure that the coat is fully grown. 

However, keep in mind that a Cavvy’s coat goes through different stages of growth. As puppies, they have a soft and fluffy coat that gradually transitions into their adult coat, which is longer and more textured.

During the transition, you may notice an increase in shedding at around 6-9 months. You should also know that Cavalier puppies need very little grooming for the first six months to a year.

Once your furry friend reaches adulthood, its coat requires a bit more maintenance. This includes regular brushing to prevent matting, occasional baths to keep it clean, and professional grooming to maintain its overall appearance. 

Keep reading to learn how to keep your Cavalier’s coat shiny, healthy, and soft. 

Related Post: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Shedding

Factors That Affect Hair Growth in Cavaliers

There are several factors that can influence the hair growth of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, with some contributing more than others.


The genes your dog inherits play a big role in how its coat grows. They determine the coat characteristics, such as growth patterns, texture, length, thickness, color intensity, and overall quality. 

Similarly, some problems with hair loss can also be attributed to genetics, such as alopecia. Although genetics play a big role in coat appearance, other factors also influence hair growth.


A healthy Cavvy equals healthy hair growth! When your pet is in good health, its coat reflects it.

On the other hand, slow hair growth can be a sign of an underlying health issue or deficiency. So, an overall healthy pup with a balanced diet is the best base for optimal hair growth.


Age can have an impact on hair growth in Cavaliers as well. As mentioned, puppies go through transitions as they shed their soft puppy coat and develop their adult coat. During this time, hair growth may appear uneven or slower. The hair growth rate tends to stabilize in adulthood. 

However, older Cavaliers (8+ years) may experience slower hair growth due to age and age-related factors, such as hormonal changes. As a result, the coat may appear to be thinner and more coarse in seniors. 


Feeding a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel with a healthy diet that provides essential nutrients, including proteins, vitamins, and minerals, promotes healthy hair growth from the inside out. Similarly, a deficiency in key nutrients can lead to slow or compromised hair growth, as well as dull or weak hair that tends to break.

Proteins are particularly important for a dog’s coat, as they provide the amino acids that support the growth of hair follicles. On top of that, key nutrients for hair growth include omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, vitamins A, E, and biotin, and plenty of water.


Just like humans, dogs experience stress. And yes, stress can negatively affect hair growth. During periods of increased stress, such as changes in routine and separation anxiety, the body releases stress hormones (like cortisol), which can impact the normal hair growth cycle. 

Furthermore, stress-related behaviors like excessive licking or chewing can further damage the coat. All of this can lead to hair thinning, excessive shedding, or even hair loss.


As you may have guessed, grooming a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is essential when it comes to enhancing its hair growth. Regular brushing removes loose and dead hair, preventing it from becoming tangled or matted, which can inhibit new hair growth. It also stimulates the hair follicles by promoting blood circulation. 

Make sure to brush your Cavvy at least twice a week, and get a professional groom every now and then to maintain the overall health of your dog’s coat. 

How to Keep Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Coat Shiny?

Regular Brushing

Regular brushing is like treating your Cavalier’s coat to a luxurious spa day! It keeps their fur looking shiny and beautiful by eliminating loose hair, preventing tangles, and distributing natural oils that make their coat glow. 

As brushing stimulates the hair follicles, it gives the coat that extra shine. Plus, regular brushing removes dirt and grime and prevents matting. You should use a high-quality brush that gently detangles and removes loose hair without causing discomfort to your Cavvy.

My personal favorite is Hartz Combo Dog Brush, it’s simple yet very effective.

Balanced Diet

A balanced diet not only stimulates growth but also plays a crucial role in keeping a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel’s coat shiny. It provides essential nutrients, including omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which nourish the skin and promote healthy hair growth. 

These nutrients help maintain the coat’s natural oils, preventing dryness and dullness. A well-rounded diet supports overall coat health, ensuring a bright and shiny appearance.

Avoid Shaving

Shaving Cavalier is a big no! It disrupts their hair growth, resulting in unusual patterns and potential skin issues. Such a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel haircut could potentially even strip away protective oils, leaving their fur dry and dull.

Let your dog’s coat grow out naturally to maintain its fullness and natural beauty. If it’s getting too long, it’s always better to get a professional groom. 

Grooming Products

Using the right grooming products is a must for maintaining your dog’s shiny coat! Choose gentle shampoos and conditioners made specifically for dogs. 

Look for products that nourish and protect their fur, enhancing its shine and keeping it healthy. I’ve been using Pro Pet Works 5-in-1 shampoo and conditioner for years now, and I can vouch for the quality.

Fish Oil

Even a balanced diet may not be enough to ensure a luxurious coat, and that’s where supplements may be helpful. Namely, fish oil is packed with omega-3 fatty acids, which work wonders in promoting a shiny Cavalier coat.

These fatty acids nourish the skin, reduce dryness and flakiness, and contribute to healthy hair growth. I recently tested this Salmon Oil, and I’m pretty happy with it.


Why is my Cavalier so fluffy?

Cavaliers have naturally fluffy coats due to their double-layered coats. The outer layer is long and silky, while the undercoat provides insulation. However, some health issues or changes in their hormones can mess with their coat. If you’ve noticed your Cavalier’s coat getting unusually fluffy out of the blue, you should talk to your vet.

Does the coat of a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel change with the seasons?

Yes, the coat of a Cavalier can change with the seasons. Cavvies have a moderate shedding pattern, and they may experience a bit heavier shedding during the spring and fall. This shedding helps them adjust to temperature changes and prepare for summer/winter.

Why is my Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppy losing hair?

Hair loss in Cavalier puppies can have various causes, including genetics, allergies, parasites, or skin infections. It could also be completely normal, whether it’s seasonal shedding or the transition from puppy to adult fur. If it is accompanied by redness or itching, you should consult a vet to determine the cause.


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