Cavaliers are natural talents at learning tricks. With some simple guidance, treats in your pocket, and a dash of enthusiasm, you’ll be equipped to teach your furry companion a repertoire of tricks.
This article will guide you through the process, making training an enjoyable and fulfilling experience for both you and your Cavalier.
13 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Tricks
#1 Sit
First, hold a treat close to your Cavalier’s nose. Now, lift your hand up, allowing their head to follow the treat and causing their bottom to lower. Once their bottom hits the floor, say “Sit,” give them the treat, and share affection. Practice this in five-minute sessions, and always praise them for obeying.
#2 Stay
Training your Cavalier to stay is crucial for safety and convenience. Begin by asking your dog to “Sit.” Then open your palm in front of you, and firmly say “Stay.” Take a few steps back. If they remain seated, reward them with a treat and affection. Increase the distance and duration gradually. Remember, short practice bursts keep your Cavalier engaged.
#3 Come
A reliable recall can be a lifesaver. Start in a quiet space. Kneel down and extend your arms wide. Say “Come” in a cheerful tone. When your Cavalier comes to you, reward them with treats and cuddles. As they master this, practice in places with more distractions.
#4 Down
This one can be tricky. Hold a treat in your closed hand. Bring it to your Cavalier’s snout. When they sniff it, move your hand to the floor, so they follow. Slide your hand along the ground to encourage them to lie down. Once they’re down, say “Down,” give them the treat, and show them love. Keep sessions short and sweet to maintain their interest.
#5 Heel
Walking nicely on a leash is an essential skill. Start with your Cavalier beside you and a treat in your hand at your thigh. Walk and say “Heel.” Keep the treat at your thigh to guide them. When they walk beside you without pulling, reward them. Practice this in a quiet area before tackling more distracting environments.
#6 Shake Hands/Paws
Encourage your Cavalier to sit. Gently tap their paw while saying “Shake.” When they lift their paw, catch it with your hand. Say “Good shake!” and give them a treat. Do this for a few minutes daily, and they’ll soon offer their paw for a handshake.
#7 High Five
Once your Cavalier masters “Shake,” move to “High Five.” Hold a treat in your palm and raise your hand slightly higher than for shake. Your Cavalier will reach up—catch their paw and say “High Five!” Reward immediately. Keep repeating and they’ll associate the action with the command.
#8 Roll Over
Start with your dog lying down. Hold a treat by their nose, and slowly move it around their shoulder so they have to turn their head to follow it. They’ll naturally roll over to follow the treat. As they roll, say “Roll over.” When they complete the roll, reward them. Practice in short bursts to keep it fun.
#9 Play Dead
First, your Cavalier should know “Down.” Now, hold a treat by their nose and slowly move it to their side, saying “Bang!” Your dog should follow the treat and flop onto their side. When they do, say “Play dead” and give them the treat. Repeat and soon they’ll play dead without the treat lure.
#10 Spin in a Circle
With your Cavalier’s attention, hold a treat near their nose. Slowly lead their nose around in a circle. As they follow the treat, they’ll spin. Say “Spin” as they move. When they complete the circle, reward them. Keep the sessions lively and praise them for each successful spin.
#11 Fetch Specific Items by Name
Cavaliers can learn item names. Start with their favorite toy. Play with it, repeatedly saying its name. Hide the toy a short distance away and say “Fetch [toy’s name].” When they pick it up, celebrate with treats and affection. Gradually increase the number of named toys for fetching. Practice regularly and be patient.
#12 Speak/Bark on Command
To teach your Cavalier to “Speak,” wait for them to bark naturally. When they do, say “Speak,” and give them a treat. If they’re quiet, hold a treat out and say “Speak.” Tease them a little if needed to prompt a bark. Reward them when they bark. Keep this trick controlled to avoid excessive barking.
#13 Beg (Sit Up on Hind Legs)
Make sure your Cavalier is balanced and on a non-slip surface. Hold a treat above their nose and say “Beg.” As they reach up, they’ll sit on their hind legs. Support them at first if needed. When they sit up, reward them. Only practice for short periods to avoid strain.
Before You Go
These impressive tricks will not only amaze your friends but also stimulate your Cavalier’s mind and strengthen the communication between you two.
Always respect your dog’s pace and physical condition, especially when practicing tricks that require more balance and body control. Celebrate every achievement, and keep training enjoyable for both of you.
And remember, consistency and positive reinforcements are key.