Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Barking: Reasons and Solutions

You may be thinking of adding a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel as a new family member, but you are concerned about their barking tendencies. Or maybe you already have one of these cute puppies, but you’re having issues with its barking.

Generally speaking, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels aren’t known for their barking and have the reputation as one of the best family dogs. However, in some cases, Cavaliers can become a yapping annoyance.

In this article, we’ll learn how common barking is in Cavaliers, the potential causes of barking, and, most importantly, what you can do to keep your dog satisfied, calm, and bark-free! 

Do Cavalier King Charles Spaniels Bark a Lot?

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels don’t bark a lot. Unlike other toy breeds, such as Chihuahuas and Yorkshire Terriers, Cavaliers are mostly easy-going, and they aren’t known for excessive barking. 

Yet, like most dogs, Cavaliers may bark and become noisy when excited, when they hear someone at the door, or when they get startled. 

It’s important to note that the barking tendencies of the breed do not represent an accurate depiction of each individual dog. In other words, even if barking isn’t common in Cavaliers, that doesn’t mean your pet won’t be loud! 

At the end of the day, every dog has its own personality, fears, strengths, and weaknesses, which include the tendency to bark. However, it’s safe to say that the Cavalier Spaniel isn’t the stereotypical yappy toy breed. 

Remember that these dogs tend to suffer from separation anxiety and require companionship more than anything else. If their need for affection is met, you’ll probably have a happy, docile pup that’s quiet as a lamb! 

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Barking Problems

Since we’ve established that barking isn’t common in Cavaliers, let’s look at some of the issues that could be causing your pup to be more vocal. Read on to learn how to keep your dog from barking excessively. 

Separation Anxiety

The number one cause of barking in Cavalier King Charles Spaniels is, without a doubt, separation anxiety. Arguably the worst part about owning a Cavvy is dealing with their codependency. 

These dogs get very attached to their owners and hate being alone. To express their sadness and loneliness, they will bark or whimper. 

For example, you may notice that your dog gets agitated when you’re getting dressed or when you’re close to the front door. It may howl for hours, waiting for you to get back home. 


On a similar note, being left alone isn’t the only thing that Cavalier King Charles Spaniels fear. 

If your pup hasn’t been properly socialized or if it has been taken away from its mom too soon, it may develop fearfulness as a personality trait. That trait could contribute to excessive barking. 

Fearful dogs can be afraid of anything, including strangers, other dogs, loud noises (such as fireworks and thunder), and unfamiliar places. 

It’s important to let your pooch experience as many new things as possible when it’s young, which will help it grow into a brave, secure dog. 

Feeling territorial

Another potential cause of barking in Cavaliers could be that they’re being territorial. Although this breed isn’t particularly known for being selfish, some dogs tend to feel ownership over items or food. 

If you approach your dog while it’s eating or playing with a toy and it growls, it’s probably because the pup is trying to guard whatever you want to take.

Luckily, barking over territory isn’t too bad. If you leave your Cavvy alone during those special moments, you won’t have to hear the excessive yapping. 

Just be careful if the dog is being overprotective when there are children or other dogs nearby! 


Most commonly, these dogs will match their owner’s energy, so if you like to stay in and cuddle on the couch, your pet will be right there with you. 

Even though Cavaliers aren’t the most energetic dogs in the world, they still need mental and physical stimulation. 

In other words, if they aren’t properly stimulated, they may bark due to boredom.

Thankfully, this problem is easily remedied with regular walks and scheduled playtime with your pup (which we’ll further discuss in a minute). 


Let’s remember that dogs use vocalizations such as barking as a way to express themselves and their needs. Knowing that, it’s easy to see why Cavaliers may bark when they are feeling hungry! 

If you forgot to feed your pooch, if you’re underfeeding it, or if you have a tasty treat lying around that your Cavvy can’t reach – you may hear your dog vocalize its hunger. 

Play around with your pup’s feeding schedule, and if the barking stops – problem solved!  


Lastly, if your dog is in pain from an injury or illness, it will let you know by barking and whimpering.

Be mindful of whether your Cavvy is barking when you touch a specific area of its body and whether it began abruptly, especially if your puppy is otherwise docile. 

However, besides whimpering and barking, if your dog is injured, you should observe its behavior and activity level. Lack of appetite, reluctance to walk, and lack of energy may all be connected to your dog’s pain.

If you notice these patterns, contact your vet immediately. 

Related: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Snoring

How to Stop a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel from Barking?

Let’s go through some tips and strategies on how to manage Cavalier King Charles Spaniel barking problems.

Make sure your dog is stimulated

If your pup is adequately stimulated, it will do wonders for its mental and physical health, reducing the need to bark. 

Cavvies are prone to obesity, which is also linked to numerous issues. So, make sure to take your pooch on regular walks to ensure a healthy weight and provide a daily dose of adventure.

On top of that, it’s important to entertain your pup at home, too. Consider incorporating playtime with your doggy as part of your regular routine. 

If that’s not enough, you can also buy stimulating toys to keep your Cavalier busy and bark-free. 

Alleviate separation anxiety

Unfortunately, barking triggers caused by separation anxiety is an issue that can’t easily be fixed. However, there are some things you can do to help ease your Cavalier’s feelings of loneliness. 

Most importantly, if you can, don’t leave your dog alone for too long; consider leaving it with family and friends or even getting a companion dog.

If that’s not possible, try giving your pup treats as a positive reinforcement when you leave the house. 

You can also leave clothes you’ve worn on the floor. The smell may provide comfort to your furry friend until you return home.

Consider getting professional help

At the end of the day, a barking problem may be too much for you to handle. If you need help finding solutions, make sure to contact dog behavior experts to assist you and your Cavvy.

A professional dog trainer can assess the situation much quicker and provide customized solutions for your dog’s barking problem. 

Furthermore, dog behaviorists may also help you understand the causes of excessive barking and teach you how to communicate with your pet effectively. 


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